What is the address of the Darwin Convention Centre?
Stokes Hill Rd
Darwin NT 0800
Is there parking available?
Yes, the Darwin Convention Centre has 300 spaces and parking is $5.00 all day. Easily accessible private parking is also available at a number of locations in the Darwin Waterfront precinct.
Can I earn points for industry qualifications?
Yes, you will earn points from attending conference sessions. The number of points will depend on the number of sessions attended and we will send out the summary of your official points at the conclusion of the conference.
Do I have to attend the full program?
No, the program is flexible and you can attend the sessions that are most relevant to you.
Can I invite a partner/friend to the social events?
You can invite a partner/friend to the Awards Gala Dinner. Simply advise us when you register.
I would like to sit with my friends at the Awards Gala Dinner?
Although we cannot guarantee seating placement, should you wish to sit with particular friends or colleagues, simply note this in the space provided when registering and we will make our best effort to accommodate your request.
How do I get copies of speaker presentations?
There will be transcripts of the speaker presentations available on this website following the conference.
Where can see photos of the conference, events and social activities?
All photos will be available for viewing on this site following the conference.
Will there be food provided at the conference?
Yes, there will be catering for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on Thursday. On Friday there will be morning tea.
I have special dietary requirements, will they be accommodated?
Absolutely, however, these requirements need to be advised at the time of registration.
What is the dress code for the sessions and functions?
Business attire for all the sessions and functions except for the Gala Dinner, which is Lounge Suit/Cocktail, so get glammed up and ready to celebrate!
NT Conference Covid Safety Plan
Your safety is our priority
YIPs NT and NT Insurance Conference are committed to your health and safety.
As such we will ensure the physical distancing measures and health and hygiene principles set out by the Northern Territory Government are fully adhered to at the 2022 Conference and all associated networking events.
The conference venue, the Darwin Convention Centre has an industry leading VenueShield venue safety plan to ensure the safety of all staff and visitors.
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